Sunday, July 11, 2010

Harry Potter vs. Percy Jackson

Hey sports fans! During my little "Potter Hiatus," I took the chance to read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. If you don't know anything about them, I'll give a brief description. Percy is the son of Poseidon... and saves the day. The End. Told you it would be brief :)

A colleague of mine at the dental school recommended this 5-book series because he claims they're similar to Harry Potter, and he knowing what a rabid HP fan I am, suggested I give them a try. So I'm posting this as a book review for any of yous who are considering giving them a try.


As a stand-alone series, it's a pretty fun and easy read, but comparing it to Harry Potter is like comparing the contents of my daughter's diaper to the Mona Lisa. My biggest beef with the series is that it doesn't grow and mature like the Harry Potter series does. What I mean by that is the first Percy Jackson book reads very similar to the first Harry Potter book. Both main characters are just learning about the special worlds they are a part of. In the second Harry Potter book, Harry and his friends mature and the overall plot grows in depth and complexity. In the second Percy Jackson book, however, new characters are added, but we don't get a maturing of the characters even though they age along a similar timeline as the HP characters do. Both of these series are aimed at young adult readers, but the difference between the two is that the last book in the HP series is aimed at an older, more mature audience while the Percy Jackson series stays at that 11-13 year old range.

Another problem I have with the Percy Jackson series is that the characters don't react to dangerous situations like the average person would. When faced with impending doom, Percy still manages to pop off a few wisecracks or puns. Facing the same situation, Harry deals with his emotions in a much more real and understandable way. I think the way the characters are treated in the Percy Jackson series does a disservice to the readers. Yes, the pre-teens will still love the books, but in my opinion, they won't be able to relate to the characters on any kind of personal level. In contrast, in HP, a lot of people can relate to someone like Ron whose accomplishments are overshadowed by those of his older siblings. He feels that he has to take the backseat to Harry and sometimes Hermione. Some people can also relate to being brainy like Hermione, but also being aware of lacking some social grace and being the target of scrutiny. Some may even be able to relate to being thrust in the spotlight like Harry despite a multitude of insecurities.

The Percy Jackson series does have some redeeming qualities. The books are very action packed and I never felt that they dragged in any regard. The author does a good job of keeping the plot moving forward. Another good thing is that I actually learned quite a bit about Greek Mythology. The author also does a good job of not "Disney-fying" the Greek Gods. For example, he doesn't shy away from the fact that the gods had extra-marital affairs and that even the gods are flawed and don't always do "good."

Overall, the series was a quick and enjoyable read and I would recommend them for a light-hearted adventure. I would not, however, recommend starting a blog discovering the depths and complexities of Percy Jackson.


DiaNe said...

yeah, I've heard good things, but never "You should read the Percy Jackson series because they are so deep and complex!"

Loop said...

You did read the whole series of Percy Jackson?
You, of course, is right, if you were wrong would not have done this "matter", but the last book of things changed the story continues with emotion and action, the characters are a little more emotional than Fred and George from Harry Potter, but with such action does not "have time" to emotion. So much so that the battle of Percy Jackson is very similar to Harry Potter, only not stopped moments.

Jimbob! ;) said...

I think Percy Jackson is FANTASTIC! Yeah, ok, they're both myth, but Percy Jackson is a little more realistic because its an actual MYTH and it has more to do with the real world, whereas Harry Potter is completely made up and is based more apart and the only part it has to do with 'muggles' is in the beginning of the books and never mentioned again. Rick Riordan is an extremely capturing writer and when authors write "I did this, I did that" makes it feel like it actually happened or its happening to you. I learnt alot about Greek myths while reading and I think it would really awesome to be a demigod, much more than a witch.
As for "not maturing" I think its stupid having to be 2 or 3 years older to read the last HP book then when you read the first! I read the whole HP series when I was 9-10 & the last 2 books didnt make sense & I had to read them again when i was older! With Percy Jackson, you can read them all at once and you dont have to re-read them to make sense of them. THATS what being a good book is. I love the Percy Jackson books & pray there will be more. if you havnt read the Percy Jackson books, ignore the trash these guys are saying & read it anyway! You might like it even though you believed these guys before.

Tyler the Gryffindork said...


I'm glad you've had a chance to vent your anger. Now that you've had a chance to relax, I want to know if you actually read the entire post. I started out pointing out the negative aspects of the Percy Jackson series, but ended by mentioning its redeeming qualities. I never mentioned that I hated the books, I actually enjoyed them and recommend them. I do, however, enjoy the Harry Potter series more. So please, continue loving Percy Jackson. I'm totally on board with that. I appreciate your opinion and welcome all opinions, I just hope you didn't misunderstand my review of the series.

Anonymous said...

look, you guys all have the wrong idea.JUST READ BOTH SERIES!!!and if u won't just because "its 2 long", then thats just, well thats sad.and while ur at it, don't u guys have any friends? talk to them instead of taling to "HP Fanatic", on BLOGSPOT! thank you for ur time :)

Tyler the Gryffindork said...

Look IDK wat ur problm is. LOL. WTF like dude, like, really? IDK y u r so mad. I hav my opinion, k? lol; BFF, LMAO....etc.

Unknown said...

passing doctor who fan! anyway percy jackson is way better than harry potter! you can not deny it!

Tyler the Gryffindork said...

Dear Tom,

Yes. Yes, I can.

Anonymous said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Percy Jackson is deep too. You have to read the Heroes of Olympus Series!
if you do...warning..