Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This is my "football."

Hey all, I just wanted to share a quote out of a book about the Harry Potter series that I can really relate to:

"All of us led other lives, with work and school and families who didn't understand how we could love anything as much as we loved Harry Potter, who even, at times, made fun of us for devoting so much time and energy to it - but then would spend six hours shouting themselves hoarse at a football match, and five after that shouting themselves hoarse at each other as they discussed the same game."

-Melissa Anelli, author of Harry, A History

Warmest regards,

Tyler, the Gryffindork


mama b said...

I'm hooked again. Already on pg 110 of book 1. Got up at 5:30am to read this morning. Get blogging!

Tyler the Gryffindork said...

Wow, I haven't started yet. I was giving time for people to take a look at the blog first. I'd better get cracking.